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20 Best Motivational Songs For Your Workout

20 Best Motivational Songs For Your Workout

We all have that one favorite song that comes through our headphones and gets us AMPED UP to continue our workout.  Particularly when a workout is strenuous, it’s common to have low motivation. Sometimes hearing a fast-paced tune is all we need to push through!...

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11 Fitness Trends for 2022

11 Fitness Trends for 2022

The end of each calendar year gives us the opportunity for a fun thought-experiment: predicting what the future of fitness holds and making educated guesses about the various ways we might be exercising and moving differently in the coming year. The following list,...

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The top 10 fitness trends for 2022 are:

The top 10 fitness trends for 2022 are:

Last year’s top trend, online training, fell to No. 9 on the list while Exercise Is Medicine and fitness programs for older adults fell off the list this year. (Photo by dragana991/Getty Images.) Wearable technology is the top fitness trend for 2022, according to a...

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Fitness Workouts with great music

Fitness Workouts with great music

Have you ever noticed how music motivates and inspires you to work out? Do you get excited when your favorite song plays during your group exercise class? Do you find that yoga music promotes relaxation? These are just a few of the ways that music affects...

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Barre Workouts

Barre Workouts

What it used to be: Lotte Berk Method. Originally developed by the once famous European dancer Lotte Berk in the late '40s, the Lotte Berk Method is a unique fusion of ballet, Pilates, and sculpting. The technique made its way to the U.S. in 1971, when...

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What it used to be: Jazzercise. Most traditional dance classes, with their stop-and-start choreography and necessary skill mastery, are just too complicated for the average exerciser to follow along and get a good workout. But that changed in 1969, when...

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